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Showing posts from February, 2020


"Are you sure you are ready?", my father asked in a calm voice but I could detect the pain and concern underlying those words. In as much we have all been preparing for this day, it's here, and we look like we don't know what foot to put forward first. "If you are not ready, we could postpone it and..." my mother's sweet voiced mirrored my father's concern. "No, it's fine. I am ready. I think I am ready..." I replied to calm their fears while I was trying to stop my heart from exploding in my chest. I had been preparing for my first day out of the house, which coincided with my first day at school too. Truth be told, I didn't want to leave the comfort of my parents' warm embrace to go face whatever life was ready to throw at me. I almost told my parents to call the school and postpone my resumption, but thinking twice about it, I figured that there was no point. I would one day face it all, and I could as well


18+ PG18 I got off my dispatch bike in a hurry, almost tripping in a bid to jump off. According to my watch, I was 20 minutes behind schedule for the pickup I wanted to do for the new client. I stood in front of the house for a minute, then checked my phone again to make sure I got the address. It was it. 45, Damon Cross Avenue. I walked briskly up the stairs praying that my client don't get pissed with me. Standing gingerly in front of the front door, I took in few seconds to calm my nerves and steady my heart beats before pressing the bell. "I am coming...", a sweet voice answered from inside before the bell stopped ringing. I heard the door unlock from inside, and it opened to reveal a middle aged beautiful woman on low cut, with nice blue shinning eyes and a sweet smile on her face. "Good morning ma"  I greeted cheerily. "Good morning young man. How may I help you." she inquired in a soothing voice. "I am Tope Ade