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Showing posts from May, 2023

Sista Movie Review

  The opening scene did me in. I read somewhere that the first few 5 minutes of a movie determines if it is worth it.  Trust me, Sista movie hooked me in less than 5 minutes. I loved the straight to the point opening. No show of the Third Mainland Bridge. No lazy show of Lagos traffic. Nothing. Also, the past/present sequence made crazy sense.  Seeing Kehinde Bankole in that role is refreshing, it's not what she is used to, but she did well. Chimezie was quite not in character, or maybe he didn't bond with Ade Herself. I don't know. He is better than what I saw him act here. As usual Aunty Ronke Oshodi Oke gave it her all. This Tope Owokoniran babe tried with her Hausa accent. I love it!!! I think this is the best of her I have seen so far. I'd say this is a movie Aunty Biodun Stephen put her everything to make. This is a beautiful work of art. I love every piece of it. The story line is dope. Directing is flawless. The fun part was that even though It was predictable f

Love In a Pandemic Movie Review

The only good thing about this movie is this cute logo... Everything else.... Crap. It's a 2/10 for effort for me.

Ile Owo Movie Review

  Ile Owo is out on Netflix and everyone wants to see it. Before you do, read this article first. So, for a movie to try and bring in elements of the metaphysical so strong and scary into a movie in this age and time, I give it to this movie. It got me scared. The props didn't help matters. Darthcoal needs to pay the props guy some more. Directing was not balanced. Great in some scenes, annoying in others. I have been wanting to see Darthcoal's movies for a while, and this didn't do justice for me. The theme/storyline is quite nice. Very nice... The execution wasn't great. The dialogue too was not up to par. So many missing lines. Let's talk about acting now. Give Kiekie her flowers anyday everyday. Her wittiness is top notch.  The Busola character is so annoying. She is a terrible actor. She preempted the entire movie. It was like she couldn't care how she acted in the initial scenes, as she didn't see them as intense as the last few scenes. So, she just di

Dead Men Send No Messages

  That I got a grand homecoming when I got back home was an understatement of the century. My mother screamed when she saw me. You needed to see the excitement in her eyes. I was her only daughter who she hadn't seen in years, the reasons, she was slightly a part of, hence she couldn't stop showing how much she has missed me. If she had not decided to join my father in whisking me away in marriage, like some loan collateral, I would probably be unmarried but In her house, watching the sun set with her as we joyfully prepare dinner for the family. My father on the other hand showed a little bit of enthusiasm seeing me. I saw that beyond the joyful facade he had on as a cute mask, a lot of questions concerning my homecoming was eating him up. "Hurry kids, let's go make your sister her favorite meal.", My mother hurried my younger siblings and nephews out of the living room to the kitchen. Every one had a specific chore to do for dinner and they set to it immediately