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"Any Office Holder Coming Into Office To Loot Money is Mad" - VP Osinbajo

Vice President President Yemi Osinbajo says that it is madness for people in positions like President Buhari and himself to come into office and look for money to loot. A statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Laolu Akande , quotes Osinbajo as saying this while receiving a delegation of Christian Ministers Welfare Initiative also known as the Pastors ’ Forum , Taraba State , at the Presidential Villa , Abuja yesterday. “ This morning, I had a meeting with the President and he repeated to me twice, he said ‘ at my age , there is only one thing I am looking for , I want to see a great Nigeria . ’ He has no other objective and I feel very inspired by that . It is madness for anybody in our position to be looking for money. According to him , God put people in a position of authority for them to be able to do something for their people. I think if any Nigerian gets the chance to be President of the country , there is nothing he / she is looking for anymor
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  CHAPTER 5 By noon most of the girls we were expecting where at mini-campus, we had rented gigantic speakers and the trucks that we would use for the rally, 90% of the girls were dressed as instructed while the guys wore whatever they chose. Abayomi called to inform me that he,Timi and Kofo had gone to bring the Dj. Toun was sitted all pretty beside me, I couldn’t help but wonder why Abayomi would be straffing kofo. Me: how are you and Abayomi? Toun: how do you mean? Me: I mean your relationship…you guys seem to understand eachother Toun: as a matter of fact we do… Toun’s dad was a judge, I think it kinda took its toll on her. She wasn’t someone who pretended. She tells you as it is. That was probably why we remained close friends, though Abayomi was f—–g Kofo, I knew he was crazy about her. Toun: is this a backlash from you and Acho? Me: no dear…and how is the sex? Toun: normal na….when I am h—y, he is always ready.. Me: and when he is h—y? Toun: he better be lucky I am lucky at the


  CHAPTER 4 Toun: gist me now, what happened? Me: forget that guy dear Toun: but you said you are heartbroken, or were yoy lying as Abayomi said? Me: nope, though I am not heartbroken..i am scared Toun: Talk to me jare, is Acho threatening you? Me: this is not about Iheanacho, it’s about Timi. Toun: what about Timi? Me: Those computer science guys that want to sponsor our election insisted that kofo shouldn’t be our campaign manager, they insisted on Timi as one of the conditions for sponsorship. Toun: eeeeeyahhhh poor kofo, and she liked the position o…she is a hard worker. Sometimes I wish I could tell angels to help me slap stupidity out of some people, this poor girl didn’t know kofo was working harder on her boyfriend. Me: true, very hardworking girl..such a pity. Toun: what will you do now, have you guys been keeping in touch? Me: no, I try to avoid all contacts. There was a time I could have done juju for that guy to die Toun: is it that serious? There were a couple of things I


Chapter 2 It was 9:30pm when I woke up from my sleep I immediately remembered that I had to be at babis for the fundraiser. The election was to hold in 6 weeks time, though we had campaign posters all over the campuses (mini and main); National was having the upper hand. He had more financial power than Abayomi. Abayomi came from what I would describe as an average family; his dad was a retired banker while his mum was a civil servant. My dad ran 8 big stores in Alaba international market. He dealt with the importation of Samsung and sharp electronics. My dad didn’t go to secondary school talk less of a university. He came to Lagos immediately after the Biafran war, worked as a sales boy for Mr koledowo of blessed memory at idumota. Idumota was one of the biggest markets in the 70’s.  Things went smoothly for a while until Mr koledowo’s wife died. He never really recovered from the shock. He himself died November 17th, 1979, leaving his store to my dad. Shortly after his demise, his fa


Chapter 1 He pounded away. It was the same away he did it every time…pull my clothes, pull his trousers…suck my n—–s and tell me how beautiful I am before he starts pounding. I looked at him with his yes closed and wondered what must have made me like him. It definitely wasn’t his money; I was a lot richer than him….maybe it was because he was funny? I looked at him as he closed his eyes and beads of sweat formed above his brows; all I could wish for was for his to c-m on time. Today was to special for me to stop him halfway. Suddenly he let out that all too familiar groan that signaled his much awaited release. His hold on the top of the mattress beside my head became firmer, and then he started his epileptic-like movement as he came. Acho: Tee, you are so sweet Me: get up, I have to clean myself, hope your bathroom is clean. Running water? Acho: Yes it is. He made himself a cup of milo as I strode along to the bathroom. Me: So how was your trip to Oshogbo on Wednesday? Acho: it was o


CONTINUATION  "And if it is not my two favorite cousins in the whole wide world! I have been looking for both of you all over the party. This party is so lit, sisters!!" Fikayo squealed happily, squeezing herself in between Temidayo and Ife. "Where have you been, Feek?!" An obviously annoyed Temidayo asked, taking a piece of meat from the plate of food Fikayo was holding. "And I am here now. what's happening?? You sound very serious. Kí ló ñ selè?"  "Please, it has to be something good. The reason you dragged me away from where I was trying to get my precious Amala, better be a good one". Ife retorted, also digging into the plate Fikayo was holding. "And I promised you another one tomorrow, didn't I? See girls, leave food. I think something is happening. Did you see the baby?" Temidayo asked, looking left and right to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. "You mean that gorgeous beautiful fair skinned...


  Temidayo took one look at the newborn, and the chants of "Ekú ewu omo" going on around her faded into nothingness. A quick glance at the fair skinned, curly headed, tiny human wrapped in a soft cotton wrapper, was enough to tell that there was actually a problem. An intent look reiterated the fact that was staring at Temidayo right in her face.  "Akú ìsomolórúko ooo. Olórun a wo, Olórun á dasí", a wobbly voiced Temidayo greeted Tolani her cousin's wife, a plastic smile plastered on her face as she quickly dashed out of the bedroom. She needed to find her cousins Ifetola and Feeks fast before it was too late. There were questions in her mind that she needed answers to immediately. "Ifetola, where have you been? I have been looking all over for you?'', an agitated Temidayo ranted, dragging her cousin away from the queue of people waiting to be served bowls of hot piping morsels of Amala and ewedu soup.  Serving Amala and ewedu and ogunfe is a symbol

Breath of Life Movie Review

  Omoooorrrr, this movie deserves all the awards in the world, because it is a beautiful work of art. It's beautiful in all ramifications. I don't think I have seen any Nollywood movie well executed like this. Amazing storyline. Beautiful directing and acting. Great suspense and twists. The cast were too notch. Chimezie was amazing as usual. He can not act no wrong in my eyes. Same as Genoveva.  She is a brilliant actress. San Dede? Oh my days! Nzeribe, even with the few scenes nailed his role. This is the best of Adedoyin I have seen. He gave this movie his all, even more than he did in King of Boys. Wole Ojo is exceptional. Eku Edewor produced it and I am in awe. This is amazing. I cried and cried. And cried so more. I give it a 10/10.