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Showing posts from 2018

Before You Take Your Vows

"To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." Lots of folks dress gorgeously, walk before a priest, share a kiss and seal their lives with these words. Forgetting there is a lot to these sacred vows than meet the eyes and ears. These are not just words you say just to get the ceremony over with or words you say Because it's a part of the wedding arrangement. These are words that lots of married folks ought to tuck safely in a corner of their heart to ruminate on time to time. When couples says it's For Better, For Worse.... what they are vowing,  is to stick by each other during the good,  the bad and the ugly days.  Days when the clouds are thick and days when the sun is smiling. They have vowed to stay and work it out, with the goal of making it work. For Richer,  For Poorer .... entails the couple to stand by each other regardless of their financial status.


FLAWS AND DENTS "Will you marry me? " he asked,  on a bent knee, a wide grin spread across his mouth. Fiona stopped sipping her margarita, her hand stuck on her straw as I gaze at him in shock. He gazed back at her , waiting earnestly for her response. She bent her head as tears welled up in her eyes. One, two they dropped and before she knew it,  the floodgates opened. Her shoulders shook as the tears came cascading down her face. He quickly stood from where he knelt and rushed to her side. "Honey,  why the tears?  Talk to me,  why are you crying?  You know you can talk to me about anything?  What did I do wrong? " He begged as he held her face and tried to wipe her face with his handkerchief. "Baby.... " She started as another bout of tears took over her. "Honey,  these tears are killing me.  I can't stand seeing you like this anymore. Please talk to me,  I beg of you. " She tried to steady her whirling emotions as she l