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Showing posts from June, 2022

Beauty Tips for Itchy Skin in Winter

  The winter comes with a lot of colds, and it causes harm to our skin sometimes. The temperature in the weather drops, and the same happens to the moisture in our bodies.  The winter season plays a hard toll on people with dry skin. It is safe to remember that dry skin is different from dehydrated skin. Itchy skin during the winter is sometimes a result of winter rash.  Winter rash can happen to anyone, and even if you have had healthy and glowing skin all year long, the winter can irritate your skin. The chances of the rash lasting all year are possible. Understanding the causes of itchy skin will help with its treatment.   Causes of itchy skin in winter Weather: During the winter season, the air is dry, which happens to the skin. The dry air dries out the moisture in our skin, which is more evident in the upper layer of the skin. When the skin is too dry, it gets itchy, which hurts the body over time. Water: The only other time water is good during the winter is for dehydration. Wea

How to Naturally Get Rid of Cellulite

 Cellulitis is not restricted to any gender; both men and women can have it. People hide their bodies away and refuse to wear bikinis because of their cellulitis. They come as dimples on the arm and thighs, and most times, they pop out of nowhere. The first and easiest way to get rid of cellulite is by embracing them and understanding what they are. Regardless of age and gender, if you have ever had to shy away from yoga or swimming classes due to the dimples on some parts of your body, then this article is for you.   What is cellulite?   Cellulite refers to the excessive accumulation of fat in the fat cell. When this happens, it appears as dimples on the body. It can appear on any human regardless of body type. All humans have fat cells, and the kind of lifestyle we live affects our arteries. When we consume unhealthy food, the artery in our body releases the toxin we consume and stores it in the fat cells. There is excessive pressure on the fat cell when blood flows in the body, affe

Skincare Benefits of Collagen

  One word that every skincare enthusiast must know is “collagen”. Collagen is a protein that gives structure to our skin. You replenish your body’s collagen production through food and collagen supplements. It restores body tissues and toughness. If you ever wondered what holds the skin structure, texture and elasticity together, it’s collagen. It is one of the main building blocks of the skin. Collagen is also found in the bones, ligaments and tendons. But this article will pay attention to collagen in the skin. Did you know that collagen makes up about 75% of the skin structure? Here are other skincare benefits of collagen. 1. Collagen is essential for smoothing the skin. When it is present in your food, you’re sure to replenish it naturally on the skin. Eating proteins and food rich in amino acids will help restore your collagen naturally. Collagen has anti-ageing effects and leaves your skin healthy and glowing. If you need to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, ensure your food

Your Guide to Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a painful form of acne that often requires medical attention. It is a severe form of acne which happens to both genders. When cysts develop under your skin, it causes this severe acne. It is common among teens and people with oily skin. Cystic acne forms when bacteria, oil, and dry skin combines under the skin. The cystic acne gets trapped in the pores. Cystic acne is filled with pus and sometimes looks like a hard boil. It’s a swelling caused by bacteria which happens in the middle layer when infected. Stress, menopause, and hormonal changes during teenage or adolescent age are significant causes of cystic acne. There is a high level of androgen production during the teenage age. It also affects sebum production, and when the pores get clogged and trap dirt, it leads to cystic acne. Sometimes, cystic acne looks like a red lump under the skin. It’s as tiny as a pea, and the white pus makes it painful and tender to touch. A breakout of cystic acne can happen in different

7 skincare mistakes you’re guilty of and how to fix them

  A lot of people are passionate about skincare. Others care less because they have no idea the right or wrong way to go about their routine. For everyone, the first thing to know is that skincare has rules. There are do’s and don’ts with everything, which also applies to our skincare routine.   There are mistakes we are all guilty of, and this is because no one is perfect when it comes to skincare. However, this article will serve as a guide to help you fix these skincare mistakes.   1. Not Washing The Pillowcase Frequently Our pillowcase holds more dirt than we can imagine. A buildup of dirt and germs from our skin gets on the pillow at night. During the day, the pillow absorbs dirt from the environment. While sleeping, our pillow traps the dead skin cell our body releases at night. Did you know that pillows made of synthetic materials hold more dust and germ? It is better and more advisable to use a frequently laundered pillow and pillowcase. For people who sleep on their stomachs,