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I woke to the crowing of my landlord's cock. It wasn't the usual crowing, it was the crowing that sounded like it was singing - there and then, I knew it was going to be a good day.

I jumped out of bed and immediately started playing songs from my mp3 as I started to get dressed for work.

Humming to Simi's Move On, I wiggled my little butt sideways on my dressing chair.

It was starting to be a good day already, and by the end of the day, I was hoping to get the long awaited news of my life.

"Ahhhhhh", I squeaked in delight, not giving a rat ass about my neighbors who might still be sleeping.

Today might be the day I got promoted to my long desired position at the office, and I was determined to look my best.

Tade, my office best friend, had chatted me up the night before to gush about how the position was vacant, and how everyone was whispering that it might come to me.

"Never to be caught unfresh", I mumbled underneath my breath as I painted my lips with a bloody red lipstick. 

 I was gunning for the Boss Lady look and the Red lips sealed the look for me.

Giving my makeup a few touches here and there, I grabbed my well -ironed white suit that I had specially ironed for today.

It wasn't every day that you landed your dream position. I had worked at Smithfield Communications for 6 years and I have put in all the work. 

So, trust me when I say that I deserve to be Head of the Editorial Board. 

Asides from the fact that being the Head of the Editorial Board was a feather to my career cap, the privileges were insane!!

A sponsored trip to meetings, trainings and workshops all around the World.

A well furnished apartment paid for by the office in a lush part of Lagos Island. I won't have to deal with my landlord's stupid attitude anymore. Although, I'd miss the crowing of the cock.

Also, a brand new car!!! Omorrr! Imagine having my own car in this Lagos. Y'all will collect! You will not rest!!!

"Ahhhhhhhh", I screamed excitedly again, blowing myself a sweet kiss in my dressing mirror, slipping my sexy size 40 feet into my favorite red bottom shoe. 

I ran out of my apartment to find the cock and his lover in their cage, cocooned in a warm embrace around feathery bodies.

Now, I knew why it crowed differently this morning. His lover had given birth. But on second look, I found that one chick was lying dead at a far corner of the Cage.

"Sorry", I muttered to the cock, yanking the gate opened to flag down the first bike I saw.

I got to the office at the nick of time. Mr. Alade, the Managing Director just announced for everyone to gather at the lounge for a quick announcement.

Dropping my bag in my office, I bumped into Tade on my way to the lounge.

"Incoming Edi!!' the werey girl screamed, as she gives me an high fiver.

"Na me be that oo. How do I look, babes?", I asked, facing her so she could assess me well.

"Omorrr, if I be man ehn, I for ask you to marry me right away.."

"You be fool", we laughed our way into the lounge.

"Good morning, everyone ", Mr. Alade started. He wasn't a man who liked to waste time.

A round of "good morning, sir " went round the room.

"It is my pleasure to welcome you all to work today. But before we get right to our different duties today, I'd like to quickly make an announcement."

Tade's fingers locked mine as we both held out breath.....


Waiting to hear it....

"The management has decided that to fill the position of the Head of the Editorial Board, we need someone who has the experience, the drive, the passion and the tenacity to build our brand, and give our clients the best...", Mr. Alade's rang on...

"That's me!!!" I screamed in my head, while holding on to Tade's hand tighter.

"...and we have come to a unanimous decision to appoint Mr. Kayomide Herbert as the Head of that section. We know that...."

Mr. Alade's voice trailed on as I watched Kayode walk up to the stage to shake hands with Mr. Alade through misty eyes.

How on earth didn't I see him before now?

It is sad enough that I lost my desired position, but it is worse that I lost it to an ex who smashed my hearts into pieces 5 years ago.

I fell in love with him a year after I joined Smithfield Communications. He resigned and left with a new corper girl that joined around that time too.....

".... And to assist him is our one and only Miss Darasimi Oluwafirefunmi...."

Tade's nudge brought me back from my thoughts to catch the last two words that were my name.

Dabbing my eyes with my handkerchief, I weaved my way through the crowd to join Kayode and Mr. Alade on the stage.

"It's nice to see you again", Kayode murmured to my hearing alone.

"I can't say same of you...".

".... I want you all to give both of them your full co-operation going forward. Thank you. Have a nice day!"

The crowd broke with greetings of "congratulations" thrown at both of us.

"I'd like to speak with you for a few minutes...", Kayode started to speak, as everyone filed out of the lounge.

"Not on your life".

Hissing, I stormed off to meet Tade who was waiting for me at the door. 

I hate today.

I hate that I dressed up for nothing.

I hate that Kayode is back.

I hate everything.

And in that moment of lamentations, my mind flashed back to the cock, his lover, the new chicks and the dead one by the corner.

The dead chick was the grey cloud to my sunny day! 

But I sure wasn't going to allow myself wallow in defeat. Kayode might have won this fight, yet again, but he sure wasn't winning the war.

Taking a last look at him, I blew him a kiss and headed off to the office.

Two can play this game. I won't be the dead chick who couldn't fight fir its life, I was going to be the chick that lived!!!

To be continued!!!



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