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Rikiya Episode 1

"I need you to be with Chief this evening. He pays better. "

With those words, manager pushed me in the direction of the men drinking, smoking and laughing loudly at the back of the bar.

I staggered towards the bunch and fixed my gaze on the Chief, resetting my brain to default settings.

This is what I do with every new client, I format whatever my brain has stored about previous clients, so I can accommodate fresh new inventory of the new client.

My name is Rikiya, and I am a Waitress.

"Walk fast now" I heard manager's voice behind me, urging my heavy legs forward. I shook my head vigorously to clear it,  pasted my business woman smile on my face, and walked graciously to the table.

"Good evening sirs, I hope you are all enjoying yourselves" I inquired flirtatiously and seductively and winked at Chief, like a seller trying to make sales, I was fast getting in my hooker role.

Yes, I was trying to sell something as usual.. My body.

Like a whoremonger that he was,  Chief caught on my signal immediately and gestured for me to come join the table, specifically in his laps.

I obliged and watched the other occupants of the table green with envy. I get that look always, not me, but my partners do. There is a lot of envy other men bestow on them when they are with me.

Who wouldn't be envious of my clients?

I would be if I were a man. 
I am 6 ft tall, fair and slim, with matching flat tummy, nice boobs, and cute ass.

I am what you call The Perfect Lady.

Joining Chief and his friends was fun till Chief asked for the unexpected.

He likes to touch and caress his escorts there and then, in front of his friends, and in public view. I shuddered at his words, but I couldn't stop him from caressing my boobs, and pinching my nipples in the full glare of his friends.

I squirmed at his touch but manager's glare across the room spoke volumes, after few uncomfortable seconds, I brazened up and gave in to his touch.

I told my brain to accept the onslaught and enjoy it, I guess it heard because I starting feeling tingly inside and in between my thighs.

I didn't bother or complain when he brought out my boobs and started licking my nipples right there. When I thought I have met crazy, some other crazy tops the list. His actions were gingering his friends and they all asked for girls to be serviced immediately.

Of course Management provided the girls, that is what they do best here, supply girls and get their cuts.

The other girls and Chief's friends disappeared, leaving Chief and I with our rendezvous in the bar.

I felt his hot stare on my body before I saw him. They burnt into my skin and scarred me at the spot. I raised my head to meet the darkest and stormy brown eyes I have seen.

He held my gaze and dared me to look away. I dared not. There was something about this mysterious man that arrested my attention and made me want to keep my gaze on him forever.

He broke the gaze, paid for his drink and left.
For the first time in my life, I felt ashamed, I felt naked. I felt dirty.

I tried to cover my naked boobs but Chief wasn't having any of it. He moved to pry my thighs apart as
 he rubbed at my naked clit deftly, eliciting an indeliberate moan from me.

"Hmmmmm,  I see you are wet enough. It's time to fuck my money worth. "
He said to me as he spanked my ass, picked his things from the table and made his way to his car.

Those were the only words he said to me all evening, not that we had anything to discuss. Discussing the just concluded Arsenal and Everton match with him didn't cut it, neither did the weather forecast.

I walked behind him to his car, lifting my head in prayer, that one prayer I prayed before I got into a stranger's car...

"Protect me Insha Allah "

To be continued

©Kabi'esi 2019


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