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I got in with Chief and we drove on in total silence in his Porsche 911 Carrera Price turbocharged 3.0-liter horizontally opposed six-cylinder engine.

Don't give me that look please.

 I know you are wondering how I know so much about the car.  Duh!  I am an escort and not a dumbass.  Moreover, I know cars and I am a sucker for nice cars.

A few minutes later, we were parking in the parking lot of The Lagos Continental Hotel. My eyes bulged out of their sockets at the magnificent masterpiece before me.

You see, that's one of the reasons I love working on the Island, you will be exposed to seeing inspirational things like this edifice.

Chief locked the car, held my hand and led me into the hotel.  After exchanging pleasantries with almost every one we came across, he got his usual room key and ordered for room service.

I love to go strong while on my escort duties, it helps to brazen me up for the journey ahead, and also help me to blur whatever memories I might have tried to make with my clients.

"What would you like to take? Food, drinks, pepper soup, or Isi Ewu?" Chief asked, turning to talk to me for the first time since we left my work place.

"Ermmmmm I don't want to eat, let me have a bottle of either Ciroc or Absolut Vodka "

"You heard the lady, tell the bartender to add both drinks to my order and bring them to my suite. "

"Noooo, two ke, one is okay." I declined.

"If you say so. " With those words, we left the reception and went to Chief's suite.

The bartender brought our orders immediately we got to the room. I opened my drink immediately and took a full swig straight from the bottle. I know shit is about to get real.

I undressed and lay on the bed in my womanly glory, my nipples hardening from the blast from the air conditioner, I cupped my boobs in my hands and watched him undress.

"I need you to lie on your belly, and raise your ass in the air. " He commanded as he joined me on the bed.

I raised my ass and arched my back. No foreplay,  no stimulation.  What a Wawu.
This man keeps breaking my weirdness record by the seconds.

He knelt behind me, licked his fingers and inserted two fingers in my pussy, eliciting a deep throaty moan from me, and a grunt from him.

Okay, this might not be a bad night after all. I could still have some fun.  I thought as I closed my eyes in ecstasy, enjoying the fingering.

A sharp pain in my asshole forced my eyes opened bringing me back to the present. Chief was trying to penetrate my asshole.

WTF!!!  I flipped over immediately, clutching the bed sheets to my chest. I don't fucking do anal sex.

"What is the matter? " Chief asked, anger and frustration etched on his face.

"I don't do anal"

"You don't do what?  Do you think I pay a large sum for your body to come take instructions from a ratchety whore "he fumed angrily.

"I stated it in my contract with the management, I don't do anal. So let's turn it down on the name calling okay? I am an escort not a prost..."

Chief's palm against my cheek silenced the words in my mouth. Tears gathered in my eyes while I held my burning cheek.

Okay,  tonight will never go as planned. That I am sure of now.

"Chief, I would like to take my leave now. Enough is enough. I'd have management refund your money tomorrow. " I spitted out my words in fury, as I stood from the bed angrily, trying to get my hands on my things.

"You are a raving mad bitch. " Chief screamed at me, and threw me on the bed, meting powerful punches and blows on my body, face, everywhere his hands collided with my body.

I fought against him till I couldn't fight anymore 😢.  I cried begging him to let me go. Pinning me to the bed, he forcefully penetrated my asshole and fucked it silly for an hour.

I was in sore pain when he was done. He didn't even look at me as he stood to get his drink.

I sat on the bare floor, my body in pains, my eyes swollen and bloody, and my lips torn. I was a mess. I held my head and cried some more.

Chief sat on the bed nonchalantly, nursing his bourbon while making business calls.

The silence in the room was interrupted by a loud banging on the door, and a man shouting his head off.

"Deji, you better open this door before I break it down. Coman continue your dance oooo. You can't run from the strippers ooo, tonight is your Bach Eve"

Chief stood from the bed to the door, he opened it to bare the face of the knocker.

"Oh shit,  I am so sorry sir. I thought it was my friend's room. Sorry for the inconvenience sir. "

I lifted my head to lock gaze with those dark and stormy brown eyes again.

Holy shit!  It was him, the dude from the bar. This time I couldn't read his eyes as he stared at me, recognition creeping into his eyes.

This night is a total disaster.

To Be Continued.

©Kabi'esi RedLips Adeyeye 2019

Picture credit: Farabale Africa


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