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Spawns of Beelzebub

"Does this gorgeous woman by any chance have a name?"
She looked at him through her long lashes as she smiled seductively.

"Mystery" She responded, taking a sip of her martini.

"Hmmmm, Mystery! That sounds mysterious." He burst into laughter at his joke.  He knew he was trying too hard to get her attention.

"I figure you work with Hillgates Group of Companies," She asked, pointing at the tag on his chest while staring at him intently.

"Yes, I do... " He affirmed and then  proceeded to tell her about himself, his job, and family. He even slipped his relationship status into his narrative.

There was something about this woman that loosened his tongue, and made him wanna bare his spirit and soul to this mysteriously beautiful stranger.

"That's cool. That means you should know the men who swindled OptroTech? "

That set an alarm ticking off in his head. His face clouded momentarily for a minute, and soon enough the sweet guy look was back.

"No, I don't have an idea who the swindlers were," he replied as he took a sip of his martini, in a bid to mask his emotional Rollercoaster.

He was suspicious of this beautiful woman who was  asking questions about the legendary scam that happened in his workplace.

"Never mind, I was just kidding. I saw something on the internet about it, and I thought you might have some juicy details for me" She winked, trying to set him at ease again.

"Oh!  That's true. I'd almost forgotten the whole gist was all over the news. Hmmmm, we still don't know who those spawns of Beelzebub are."

"Do you want to get out of here? " she asked, subtly running her fingers across his bare arms.

"Sure" he answered earnestly, as blood pooled at his loins in anticipation of an incredible sexual encounter with the beautiful woman.

She suggested his house, and he couldn't agree any less.

They got to his apartment, and she fucked him senseless. 

She fucked like a pro, knowing where to touch, how to arch, how to moan and how to position herself just the way that would make a man go crazy in lust.

But, regardless of the steamy sex, he felt there was something off about the way she gave herself to him uninhibited.

Like she was on revenge for something.

After the long period of lovemaking, he excused himself to go clean up in the bathroom.  She excuses him after planting a seductive and wet kiss on his lips.

Damn!! This girl was gonna be the end of him. He thought as he headed to the bathroom.

Few seconds later,  he came back to the room to find her on the couch, going through his computer, a slow smile playing across her lips.

"I thought you said you didn't know who the spawns of Beelzebub were, Samson? " she asked, standing from the couch in her naked feminine glory.

His cock responded immediately.

Fuck you!!!!! This is not the time. Samson groaned at his cock inaudibly.

He looked at the files opened in his computer,  and back at her. His head swirled and threatened to burst open.

He knew she had his secrets. All of them.

What he didn't know was where the gun came from.

And before he could say Jack Robinson, the shots hit him in the chest, and he fell on the bed, in his head a myriad of raging thoughts.

One thing was clear; him meeting her at the bar tonight wasn't a coincidence, neither was her offer to buy him a drink.

It was all a set up he fell for foolishly.

And then he heard her voice amidst the chaos in his head.

"You asked for the name earlier. Yeah,  I do have one, and it is DELILAH, and my father owned OptroTech before you destroyed him!"



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