I wouldn't know if you were a boy or a girl.
I wouldn't know if you were fair-skinned like me or dark-skinned like your father.
I wouldn't know if you were robust like him or skinny like me.
I wouldn't know the color of your eyes or the sound of your laughter.
I wished to have met you.
To have watched you grow in my Womb for 9 months.
To have carried you in my arms and have you suckled at my breast at birth.
Have you bestow me with adorable teethy grins while I change your diapers and rock you to bed.
I wished I was able to christen you
To gift you one of these adorable names I had lined up for my future children.
"Adeoluwakishi" "Motiaraoluwawa" "Mofiopekunopefunoluwa" " Oluwasijibomi" Diekoloreoluwalayemi" "Oluwatishe" "EyiowukanwiToluwalase" "Eyimofeoluwa", "Oluwarinumi" "Jesugbotemi"
I wish I was able to christen you any of these names
And watch you giggle back at me in answer.
I wouldn't know any of these things because I couldn't get to meet you.
To my gone child.
Aderonke Adeyeye 2020
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