Two Children after , Dance Queen , Kafayat Shafau -Ameh aka Kaffy and her husband , Joseph Ameh , are celebrating their 4 th wedding anniversary today June 2 nd . They both shared loving messages to one another via their respective Instagram pages. Kaffy wrote :

“ Happy Anniversary babiiii ! Wow what a journey it ’ s been and a lot has gone down, A lot found , A lot lost, A lot given , A lot taken , A lot said , A lot done , A lot learnt , A lot absorbed, A lot discarded , A lot acknowledged, A lot sown, A lot reaped, A lot of ups, A lot of downs ,
A lot of pain , A lot of healing , A lot of cursing, A lot of blessing, A lot of weakness, A lot of strength. Above it all I thank God that we are here to enjoy A lot More . I love you @papiijameh’
While her husband wrote:
You guys always blow my mind … I can ’ t explain how much you mean to me … My life , my world … Happy anniversary baby @ kaffydance you are the best thing that happened to me … I love the f *** outa you.
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