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3 Reasons You Shouldn't Have Sex In The Shower.

Inasmuch as having sex in the shower sounds sweet and mind blowing and amazing and toe-curling and everything, its kinda risky and injurious to our health.

From getting shampoo in some place you ’ d rather not , to risking a penis injury , there are a lot more scary possibilities in shower sex than you might realize . It pays to be careful .

Sure, there are great things to be said for having sex in the shower . It is often spontaneous , and you can clean up immediately after . But , shower sex also comes with its fair share of risks. Risks you would not have if you are having sex on dry land .

1 . Water is not a lubricant
Water isn ’t harmful during sex , but it is not lube and will often wash away one ’s natural mucus and lubrication. As a result, some people will be tempted to use whatever is handy to replace their normal lubricant (soap , shampoo ), but those can both cause a lot of irritation to the vulva and vagina , as well as cause dryness of the penile skin .
The vagina has been known to even develop cuts and tears from the non - lubricated penetration , which could mimic symptoms of a urinary tract infection , cause vaginitis , and the change in pH to the vaginal skin can attract all of those little microbes near the rectum to travel up the woman ’ s urethra, causing a greater risk for real UTI or kidney infection .

2 . Condoms are less effective
Obviously wearing one is better than having zero protection, but you shouldn ’ t rely on this as your only form of contraception in the shower , and without one , you have no prevention against the spread of disease . According to the Lifestyles condoms website, it ’s safe to use a condom in water as long as the condom remains on the penis . Unfortunately , condoms have a greater likelihood of slipping when wet , and a condom can’ t be as effective as it needs to be if it ’s not even on. Lifestyles ’ site recommends to put the condom on before you get in the shower and to note that if the water contains chemicals such as chlorine or additives such as bath oil or bubble bath , it may harm a latex condom .

3 . You can get seriously hurt
Showers are slippery and this increases the likelihood of falling and getting hurt . Between the weirdo positions you ’re pretty much forced to get into when you ’ re having shower sex , coupled with everything being slippery in the shower , your chances of his penis bending in in a weird angle are also easily greater than in just about any other location.


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