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Submission Of Entry For The Etisalat Flash Fiction Award.

Yippyyyyyyyy,  this announcement is for people who are good at harnessing their fictional imaginative soul and pouring out their hearts out into writing.  I am introducing The Etisalat Flash Fiction Award to you.

The Etisalat Flash Fiction Award

Scholarship Description

In 2014, the Etisalat Prize for Literature also launched the online based flash fiction prize, The Etisalat Flash Fiction Award, to engage the rising stars of fiction. Flash fiction is fiction that is extremely brief, typically only a few hundred words or fewer in its entirety (though some define this as not more than 1000 words).

Etisalat has at the core of its vision, to encourage and inspire creativity. Having this in mind, the Flash Fiction Award has been established in order to cater to the large amount of interest received from unpublished writers across the Continent.
In order to garner some publicity for the art of flash fiction writing and the writers themselves, this category of the Prize will be open to the general public to review and contribute to the ultimate selection of a winner.

Authors eligible to participate in the Literary Competition must be of African descent. An Author of African descent is one who was either born in Africa, or one who is a national of an African country, or one who has a parent who was either born in or is a national of an African country.
Stories [no more than 300 words] should be submitted at the Etisalat Prize for Literature Flash Fiction Webpage.

Eligible groups
Citizens of any African country

Fields of study
Flash fiction writing

Sponsorship duration
This is a one time award prize
Award Prizes

Winners will receive:

Winning Author
£1,000 cash prize.
High end device or iPad
Published e-book (if available) promoted online and via SMS.

Runners-up (2):
£500 cash prize (each)
High end device or iPad

Method of Application

Stories [no more than 300 words] should be submitted at the Etisalat Prize for Literature Flash Fiction Webpage. Both the entries for submission by authors, and voting by the general public will open as indicated below. Moderations will be handled by a panel of Judges that are, writers, authors and literary enthusiasts.
It is important to visit the official website 9link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply.


The calender is as follows
Entries Open - September 1st, 2016.
Voting Open to the general public – October 7th, 2016
Top 50 Announced – November 4th , 2016
Finalists Announced – January 2017
Award Ceremony/Winner Announcement – March 2017

In today’s fast paced world where communication is right at our finger tips through the use of smart devices; phones, tablets and the likes, consumers prefer to consume information on-the-go and in bite sized chunks. The Flash Fiction Award therefore seeks to marry both of these concepts together thus providing added value to mobile device users across Africa. [Also see the Etisalat Prize for Literature].

Etisalat Nigeria is one of the major mobile telecommunications service providers in Nigeria. Established in 2008, the network has since grown in leaps and bounds. In just 6 years of operations, Etisalat Nigeria has become a major industry player with a growing subscriber base of over 22 million in a highly competitive market.

Etisalat Nigeria's portfolio of voice and data-centric products include – easy starter, easycliq, easybusiness, and easyblaze; all tailor-made to meet the needs of its customers. Etisalat Nigeria is one of the 19 operations of the Etisalat Group that spans Africa, the Middle East and Asia serving over 182 million subscribers; and it is committed to delivering innovative and quality services to its growing subscribers.

Application Deadline: 6 October 2016


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