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Unilag To Be Shut Down Tomorrow.


“The future would have no pity for those men who,
possesses the exceptional privilege, of being able to
speak the words of truth to their oppressors, haven taken
refuge in an attitude of passivity, or mute indifference and
sometimes in cold complicity”. (Frantz Fanon)

It is most unfortunate that rather than finding progressive
prescriptions for demands of the agitating students, poor
welfare and hike in price of commodities, the school
management is scratching the issue on the head by
portraying the students as custodians of exuberance and
scapegoat of indiscipline, putting in place mechanisms to
subdue and incapacitate the students from exercising
their constitutional rights, not minding the root cause of
indiscipline to be injustice and inequality.

The suspension of University of Lagos Student Union
(ULSU) until further notice came to us in rude shock
despite the submission of our position and
recommendations to the investigative panel.

We contend
the suspension or banning of students union has never
been and will never be the solution to proactive/vibrant
unionism. We advice the management give up on
effecting the suspension and other unrevealed plans to
further victimise or intimidate the union officer to have
opened up their poor academic, administrative and
domestic welfare.

Compelling students to sign undertaking and indemnity
form is laughable; students taking re-absorption oaths
requires clarification. The taming tactics imbibe by the
management reveals the underbelly as calculatedly
designed to paralyse effective’s student agitations,
clampdown student from their liberty and a capital
disrespect of the young adulthood. We are to face this
much, handcuff ourselves before law as we are expected
to keep mute on the rots and maladies of our grate


Gone are the days of “bread and butter” unionism, the
current century cannot afford to breed a generation of
youths who are merely academic geniuses but who are
politically robots and ideological nonentities.

We demand the total reverse in suspension/dissolution of
University of Lagos Student Union (ULSU).

We reject outrightly the signing of undertaking/ indemnity
form and taking of re-absorption oath by any students.

We request a proper address of the students demands.
We call for a resolution meeting with the management.

It is in the interest of peace and progress; we like to plead
to UNILAG management to desist from scratching their
nose with the fangs of a viper.

Experience shows that fire burns! A goat does not bite
except when push to the wall. Nigeria students shall not
hesitate to mobilise to continually shut down activities of
the institution until our demands are met.

We however give a grace of 72hrs ultimatum for our
demands to be granted (which elapse on Thursday 28th
of April 2016) before we embark on our operation

Comrade Sanusi Sulaimon
Chairman NANS/JCC Lagos axis
Dean students Affairs UNILAG
DSS Lagos command
NPF Lagos HQR/ Area C command
Governor’s office
Lagos house of assembly
All students

    
Lasu students are also ready for the movement

Injustice somewhere, they say, is a threat to justice everywhere. GREATEST LASUITES!

We all are aware of the attempts by the University of Lagos Management to subjugate and enslave the students of UNILAG. In this light, the National Association of Nigerian Students,NANS, has invited LASUITES,being the most militant but reasonable students in Africa to a peaceful protest at UNILAG on Thursday,28th of April, 2016. The protest is aimed at warning all University managements across Nigeria that, Students' Unionism is here to stay and together, we,all Nigerian Students say NO to :

1.Suspension of Students' Union bodies.
2. Victimization of Students' Union leaders.
3. Embezzlement of funds meant for Students' welfarism, infrastructural development and
4.Authocratic and draconian administrative techniques.

divided : we fall!

source: Naira Land.


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