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Your Health And You: 5 Important Tips To Make You Enjoy Life.

Being healthy is being in a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.

Infirmity is also synonymous to disease, as it is a state of being feeble, weak or mentally down, basically as a result of advanced age. A person who suffers from infirmity, should know he has to battle it, possibly for the rest of his life.

An example of infirmity is arthritis or osteoporosis, which mostly affects old people.

As most people of the world believe in a Supreme Being, the connection with this Being, impacts either positively or negatively on an individual’s health.
There are some things that people should do in order to guarantee more than 70% sound health.

1. Eating balanced diet
There is a common saying that, you are what you eat. The quality and quantity of food consumed by a person, especially his breakfast, goes a long way in preparing him for his daily activities.

Eating nutritious food helps to provide the right nutrients for growth and development of the tissues of the body. Likewise, digestion occurs with ease. All other day-to-day activities are done with diligence.

Hunger dehydrates the body fluid. Not eating the proper combination of the six classes of foods affect all metabolic activities in someone. The brain will not function well when someone is hungry.

Being well and properly fed is a strong defense mechanism against diseases or easily falling sick.

Some diseases like scurvy, dry tongue, sore throat and their likes, are principally due to lack of, or insufficient supply of certain minerals and vitamins to the body.
A person who eats good food at the right time will hardly fall sick.

2. Rest, sleep and exercise
Someone should not just believe eating only nutritious foods will keep him kicking and going. Staying healthy goes beyond that. The trio of rest, sleep and exercise are major contributors to the wellness spectrum.

Medical experts do advise that someone should ensure he gets at least six hours of sleep everyday.

Some working class people do hardly exercise, due to their sedentary lifestyle. Some start exercising when obesity sets in.

It is better to start all these before sickness hits someone below the belt. Having a few minutes of rest is also important.

3. Good relationship with our Creator
It could amaze some people the connection between having better lifestyle and having a nice relationship with the Creator.

Looking at the definition of health, the aspect of spiritual life was mentioned, therefore, this is really important.

This means a person, who devotes part of his time to his Lord, and reflects on the creatures living both on land and in water, will develop a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind in turn cuts down stress, which in turn helps for longevity.

4. Socialising with humorous people and highly intelligent/experienced individuals
The quality of friends a person keeps tells on his health. A person who has drunkards and party freaks, with reckless lifestyle could die early. A person who has friends, who drive cars at unimaginable high speed, could be saying he is ready to die young.

Staying alone and mixing with people, who ooze out animosity is not good for a person’s health. Boredom and depression are also license to early grave. However, a person who keeps a company of friends, who are lively and do things together will always have tranquility of the mind.

5. Maintaining strong family ties
Having a good relationship with members of someone’s family is related to the spiritual aspect of health. There is a spiritual connection between enjoining family ties and long life. Science may want to dismiss this claim. But simple experiments will prove otherwise. A person who associate with his family members will be healthier with sound mind than a person who stays away from them.

Likewise, family members do hold meetings together and visit one another, as all these are known as happiness booster.


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