When you hear someone say this movie is "that" movie, Air is "that" movie for me.
Yes, I agree that the begining was laid back, but as a movie buff who knows the difference between laid back and lazy in movie production, I'd say the laid back opening of this movie is not lazy at all.
For your sake, you need to follow the laid back opening up until the drama really started.
For a movie that is a biography, this movie did a lot, it educated me, it entertained me and inspired me.
Do you know that after watching the movie, I am on Google searching everything about the legend Michael Jordan.
I am even sure that a lot of you talk "Air Jordan" shoes without knowing how it came to live.
Trust me, even if you read anything about him and his start in his basketball career, it can't beat watching it come live on the TV.
This movie is phenomenal "in Charles Okocha's voice".
The casting was on point. I couldn't think of anyone playing Deloris Jordan like Viola Davis. She ate her role.
Everyone needs a Sonny in their life.
Matt Damon, Chris Tucker, Jason Bateman, and Ben Affleck wowed me.
Even Marlon Wayans that I don't like for his annoying not funny movies surprised me. He should be casted for more serious movies. Comedy is not his calling.
Overall, it is perfect.
I give is 200/10.
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