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APC national leader lashes at Kachikwu Ibe over comment.

Tinubu took a swipe at the Minister on Saturday, March 26, 2017 saying he
has not only strayed but needs to guide his utterances as a public servant.

The Group Managing Director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation was
also accused of straying away from the progressive calling required of the

In a statement by Tinubu titled, ‘Kachikwu Needs to Know That Respect and
Good Performance Will Do What Magic Cannot,’ he said, “I make no
attempt to hide it. I am an avid and partisan
supporter of this government and of the progressive
policies of the party, the APC, upon which this
government is based.”

'With that, I do reserve the right and the duty as a
Nigerian to voice my opinion when I believe a
member of this government has strayed from the
progressive calling required of this administration. I
do this because my greater devotion and love are
for this nation and its people. Party and politics fall

'Much public ire has been drawn to the statement
made by the Minister of State (for Petroleum
Resources) Ibe Kachikwu that he was not trained
as a magician and that basically Nigerians should
count themselves fortunate that the NNPC under
his stewardship has been able to bring in the
amount of petrol it is currently doing.

'Perhaps the statement by Kachikwu was made in
a moment of unguarded frustration or was an
awkward attempt at a joke. Whatever the motive, it
was untimely and off-putting. The remark did not
sit well with the Nigerian people; they were as right
to feel insulted as the minister was wrong to have
said such a thing.

'The fuel shortage is severely biting for the average
person. They are forced to remain in lines far too
long — for too much time — to pay too much
money for too little fuel. This is no joking matter.
Livelihoods and people’s welfare are at stake.

'With so much on the line, Kachikwu’s flippancy
was out-of-line. He was basically telling Nigerians
that they should be lucky that they are getting the
inadequate supply they now suffer and that they
should just be quiet and endure the shortage for
several weeks more,' the ex-governor stated.

Continuing, he said, 'It insulted the people by its tonality.
He spoke with the imperious nature of a member of
the elitist government the people voted out last
year and not the progressive one they voted in.

'He is a public servant. The seat he sits upon is
owned by Nigerians, not by him. The company he
runs is owned by Nigerians, not by him. They are
his boss. He is not theirs. Power is vested in the
people. He is a mere custodian or agent of their

'In talking to us in such a manner, he committed an
act of insubordination. If he had talked so
cavalierly to his boss in the private sector, he
would have been reprimanded or worse. If wise, the
man should refrain from such interjections in the

'As his ultimate bosses, the people have a right to
demand the requisite performance and respect
from him. He should apologise for treating them so
lightly in this instance.

'Instead, he seems to be standing above them,
telling them to take it or leave it,' Tinubu added.

In conclusion, Tinubu said, 'He must ask them to work with
him and, perhaps, to endure a bit longer but with
the knowledge that he is working to resolve this
matter as fast as he can and as permanently as
possible; that he is dedicated to the position that
once these current lines are gone, never again shall
they reappear, as long as he has any influence in
the matter.

'To do this requires no magic or training in that
strange craft. It requires empathy, compassion and
the willpower to forge a better Nigeria.

These must
be the common trademarks of those serving in a
progressive government, for these attributes are
integral parts of the spirit and ideals upon which
the APC was founded,' Tinubu said.


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