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Daily Habits That Cause Wrinkles.

Wrinkles are creases, folds or ridges in the skin. Most commonly, wrinkles appear as you get older. However, they may develop after the skin has been immersed in water for a long time.

The first wrinkles to appear on the face tend to occur as a result of facial expressions. Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications, as well as a number of other factors may also cause wrinkles to develop.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. As one become older our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic. The skin’s ability to protect itself from damage is also reduced as one age. Eventually, wrinkles, creases and lines form on the skin.

Most wrinkles tend to appear in the parts of the body which receive the most sun exposure, including the back of hands, face, neck and top of forearms. Apart from the normal aging process, one’s beauty routines and habits can impact wrinkling as well. The following factors are known to promote the development of wrinkles:

Smoking: Experts say that the link between regular smoking and the accelerated aging of skin is due to a reduced blood supply to the skin. This is the most common causes of wrinkles. Smoking makes one look older faster because it restricts blood flow to the skin, making it tough for skin cells to get the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay healthy and regenerate.

Genetic factors: If your parents developed wrinkles earlier than other people, your chances of also doing so are significantly higher than somebody whose parents developed wrinkles later than others.

Your Diet: If you want to keep your skin healthy and young, the old saying that you are what you eat is definitely true. Eating too much sugar and high-glycemic foods doesn’t just impact your weight, it could make you look older, too. Through a damaging process called glycation, sugar molecules attach to the proteins in the skin (including collagen), causing them to become stiff and malformed which results in a loss of facial elasticity, as well as contours, puffiness, and fine lines.

Refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates also trigger inflammation throughout the body by causing insulin levels to skyrocket. Inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, which leads to sagging and wrinkles. So cut down on refined sugar and simple carbohydrates and your skin will thank you.

Drinking: All alcohol dehydrates the skin, which means your skin will appear less plump and fresh the morning after you drink alcohol. Over time, your skin will lose elasticity and form wrinkles due to a lack of hydration. Additionally, alcohol can have a huge negative impact on your vitamin A level, which is a very important antioxidant for your skin and body, and it is vital in the regeneration of new cells.

Vitamin A is also extremely important in the production of collagen, when you have lower amounts of collagen, you lose elasticity in your skin. Collagen and elasticity keep your skin supple, taut, and looking young.

Light skin: People with light skin tend to experience a higher level of sun damage, which usually accelerates the development of wrinkles.

Facial expressions: People who repeatedly smile, frown, or squint will develop fine lines and wrinkles earlier than other who do not do these facial expressions so often. According to the study each time we use a facial muscle a groove forms under the surface of the skin. When you are young the skin springs back, but as it gets older and loses its flexibility springing back becomes harder and less frequent, resulting in more permanent grooves.

Chewing Gum : Gum chewing produces a type of wrinkle that one see quite often on the lower mouth and it causes other issues in the mouth structure. This is an easy habit to give up in the name of preserving your skin.

Not Removing Makeup: When you sleep in your makeup, you’re basically asking for wrinkles. The makeup and environmental pollutants you accumulate during the day seep into your pores, breaking down collagen and elastin. This can speed up the aging process and leave you with fine lines and wrinkles. Cleanse and moisturize your skin every night before bed.

Sleeping : Sleeping on your face, you can get sleep wrinkles from the pillow. It’s best to sleep on a satin pillowcase that slides across your face another alternative is to sleep on your back.

Skipping Sunscreen : You all been told to never skip the sunscreen, but it’s often tempting when many people spend their days indoors. Even a few minutes of sun exposure can lead to a breakdown of collagen, though, and that leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine, so that you don’t get sun damage. Choose an SPF 30 and one that has zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Picking : Stop picking at pimples let them come out on their own or use natural products to help eliminate them. Any time you pick or pull at your skin, you’re causing damage and creating irritation, scars, and even wrinkles.

Stretching Your Skin to Apply Makeup : This practice creates wrinkles and is generally frowned upon in the makeup world. Do your makeup how everyone else is going to see you, and hopefully, it’s not with your mouth stretched opened and eyebrows lifted so you can put on your mascara. Don’t pull on your eyes and stretch them so you can put on your eyeliner. It’s about moving your whole face when you’re applying makeup, not stretching it so it’s flat.


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