Gospel singer, Benita Okojie, advises young
singles ladies against bowing to the
pressures of marriage in message she shared
on her Instagram page:
Dear Sister, I know that now that you’re done with school and have
a steady job. The most asked question from parents,relatives and
even friends is “When are you getting married?” For our parents;
they want to carry their grand child. Our siblings; they can’t wait
to be called Uncle and Aunty Our Neighbours and Relatives; can’t
wait to see little junior running round the house. They have every
right to want this as much as we all do but everything will happen
in God’s time. The pressure is real and so many people who
married because of pressure will tell you that you shouldn’t make
that decision just because there’s pressure to. Don’t sell your self
short just because of a ring and change in Status! There’s a
blessing in Waiting. Waiting for God’s Time. While you wait. Don’t
sit at home. Meet people, Share your values, Interests and faith as
you prayerfully trust God to bring you the Mr Right. The greatest
tragedy in life is to marry someone else’s Rib because your destinies
are intertwined. May You find your own Rib! #InJesusName
#NoPressure #GodsTime #NoteToMySisters #ThinkOnTheseThings
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My Opinion

I have been saying this and I will say it one million times, the "wrongest" reason for a woman to marry is pressure. Don't be pressurized to get yoked to someone who is not yours.
If you mistakenly get married to someone you are not compatible with, even the Bible said "The end of the man is word than his beginning" This time its the lady's end that will be worse than her beginning.
The world is not ending now, even if it is nko. Must you rush into a man's arms to fulfill all righteousness? Most of you don't understand love not to talk of marriage. But because your friends are
getting married, you feel left out. You feel you have not achieved anything.
My dear, how many lives have you impacted. How many lives have you given meaning to? How many faces have you put a smile on?
If its none, then you have no business getting married.
Adeyeye Aderonke 2016.
singles ladies against bowing to the
pressures of marriage in message she shared
on her Instagram page:
Dear Sister, I know that now that you’re done with school and have
a steady job. The most asked question from parents,relatives and
even friends is “When are you getting married?” For our parents;
they want to carry their grand child. Our siblings; they can’t wait
to be called Uncle and Aunty Our Neighbours and Relatives; can’t
wait to see little junior running round the house. They have every
right to want this as much as we all do but everything will happen
in God’s time. The pressure is real and so many people who
married because of pressure will tell you that you shouldn’t make
that decision just because there’s pressure to. Don’t sell your self
short just because of a ring and change in Status! There’s a
blessing in Waiting. Waiting for God’s Time. While you wait. Don’t
sit at home. Meet people, Share your values, Interests and faith as
you prayerfully trust God to bring you the Mr Right. The greatest
tragedy in life is to marry someone else’s Rib because your destinies
are intertwined. May You find your own Rib! #InJesusName
#NoPressure #GodsTime #NoteToMySisters #ThinkOnTheseThings
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My Opinion

I have been saying this and I will say it one million times, the "wrongest" reason for a woman to marry is pressure. Don't be pressurized to get yoked to someone who is not yours.
If you mistakenly get married to someone you are not compatible with, even the Bible said "The end of the man is word than his beginning" This time its the lady's end that will be worse than her beginning.
The world is not ending now, even if it is nko. Must you rush into a man's arms to fulfill all righteousness? Most of you don't understand love not to talk of marriage. But because your friends are
getting married, you feel left out. You feel you have not achieved anything.
My dear, how many lives have you impacted. How many lives have you given meaning to? How many faces have you put a smile on?
If its none, then you have no business getting married.
Adeyeye Aderonke 2016.
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